"The demon is not as powerful a walking across the street
The angel is not as powerful as looking an then not looking "
Our freedom is power
Freedom is the most powerful thing, nor demons or angels, nor man or beast is more than power of freedom.
"Beautiful people you too are power. Remember your power."
Holy poem, a poem is power
Holy those songs, cause art is power
Powerful arrow of love, that arrow of love is holy.
I see you coming, i see you coming
Don't bleed in the street.
cry here
Come, I see you coming.
Put your hat on, walk across the street where they can see you
Shine in the light
Shine with your light.
Light the dark hopeless holes in hearts
light the fire in their minds
Light winged light O the wonder light
And he talks to the gods
he invoke the muses
heretic like a real poet
giving power to the people
invoking beauty
heretic poet
rebel heart
freedom stab
Howl! Howl! Howl like if you were the last wolf alive
Howl like if your vocal cords were about to fade
Howl like if your hands could reach the frozen snow in the top of the mounts
Howl like if the woods were your home
Howl like if you were silence that breaks with the crunch of a glacial ice
A howl in the middle of the night is power
Howl from the beauty
Howl like Banga, Auwww!
Howl because you are loved, Howl like if you were dead.
Howl, you are alive.
Howl like a broken glass in Paris
Howl like a drunken beggar in Hoxton
Howl like a fox running in Albion Road, like a frightened cat
Howl like a young and alive porteño at the konex
Howl like a beatnik in Bowery
Howl like a queer in Greenwich Village
Howl like North London's kids in the riots
Howl as loud as the buzz in your ears the night after
Howl as constant as the non-stop talking conscience
Howl like if you were the writer of all the books ever written.
Leónidas Lamborghini - Hablando del partido
Hace 1 hora
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